Lesson Author Type Span Status
The Strong Root Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Interactive Audio-Visual May-June Done
Thank You Ma'am Langston Hughes Interactive Audio-Visual July-August Done
The Three Questions Leo Tolstoy Interactive Audio-Visual August-September Done
The Eyes Have It Ruskin Bond Interactive Audio-Visual October Done
Lesson Author Type Span Status
Asleep in the Valley Arthur Rimbaud Interactive Audio-Visual --- ---
The Poetry of Earth J. Keats Interactive Audio-Visual --- ---

Textual Grammar:(30 Marks)
1. Correction of Errors
2. Changing the mode of Narration
3. Joining / Splitting / Synthesis of Sentences

Reading Comprehension: ( 10 Marks)
(Any Unseen Small Prose Passage - approximately 250 words )

ESP: ( 10 Marks)
1. Precis
2. Business Letters
3. Formal Letters
4. Writing a Report

English Project: (20 Marks)
(1000 to 1500 words)
(any one of the following) 1. Indianisation of an English Piece of any eminent writers like Oscar Wilde, Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Jane Austen etc.
2. Review of a Film or Theatre Script
3. Fictitious Interview of an eminent personality ( contemporary or historical )
4. Changing the locale / Social context / time / background of a play and recording the changes in the behaviour of the characters in the changed scenario.